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What are the 5 Tanner stages?


What are the 5 Tanner stages?


Tanner stages in boys Age at the start Noticeable changes
Stage 2 Around age 11 Pubic hair starts to form
Stage 3 Around age 13 Voice begins to change or “crack”; muscles get larger
Stage 4 Around age 14 Acne may appear; armpit hair forms
Stage 5 Around age 15 Facial hair comes in

When is Tanner stage?

Tanner stage 1: In Tanner stage 1, there aren’t any obvious physical changes, but it describes the child’s appearance before any physical signs of puberty appear. These initial signs, although not visible, usually begin around the age of 8 years in girls and around 10 years in boys.

How accurate is Tanner stage?

Self-ratings of breast Tanner stage were concordant with actual stage in 48%, overestimated in 25%, and underestimated in 27% of nonobese girls. By contrast, breast Tanner stage was overestimated by 38% of obese girls and was underestimated by only 12%.

How long is puberty for a girl?

In girls, puberty usually begins between the ages of 9 and 14. Once it begins, it lasts about 2 to 5 years.

What does Tanner stage 3 mean?

In Tanner stage 3 breast development, the bud enlarges beyond the areola, the areola experiences early changes including pigmentation, and small glands, called Montgomery glands, form on the areola. There is further breast enlargement, but there is no separation of the contours of the areola from the breast.

When does Tanner stage 2 occur in girls?

Occurs during Tanner Stage 2 to 3 in girls Basal growth occurs up until Tanner Stage 2 Basal Growth rate: 5.0 to 6.0 cm per year from age 4 years to Puberty (similar to boys) Pubertal Linear Growth (typically completed by age 15 years in girls)

How tall is a tanner in Stage 4?

V. Stage: Tanner 4 Height increases at 7 cm/year Breast Areolae forms secondary mound on the Breast. Age: 12.9 years (10.5-15.3 years) Pubic Hair Hair of adult quality. No spread to junction of medial thigh with perineum

Why is the Tanner scale not used for age classification?

Tanner, the author of the classification system, has argued that age classification using the stages of the scale misrepresents the intended use. Tanner stages do not match with chronological age, but rather maturity stages and thus are not diagnostic for age estimation.

When does a male Tanner scale stop growing?

Males also stop growing and reach their adult height sometime during Tanner 5, usually this happens in their late teens at 18-19 years for males.