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What are the Iuhpe core competencies?


What are the Iuhpe core competencies?

The IUHPE Core Competencies and Professional Standards for Health Promotion are underpinned by an understanding that Health Promotion has been shown to be an ethical, principled, effective and evidence-based discipline and that there are well-developed theories, strategies, evidence and values that determine good …

What are Health Promotion competencies?

Competencies: A combination of the essential knowledge, abilities, skills and values necessary for the practice of health promotion (Adapted from 9).

What is a competency Framework Health Promotion?

The core competency framework outlines the essential knowledge, skills and values necessary for the practice of health promotion. and academia based on, in order of priority: national role in health promotion, experience in health promotion, experience in the competency approach.

What is the Iuhpe?

The International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) is a unique worldwide, independent and professional association of individuals and organisations committed to improving the health and wellbeing of the people through education, community action and the development of healthy public policy.

What skills do you need for health promotion?

Planning, implementing and evaluating appropriate health promotion programs are the major skills required of an entry level health promotion practitioner.

What is the precede proceed model used for?

The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is a comprehensive structure for assessing health needs for designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and other public health programs to meet those needs.

What do you mean by health promotion?

Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. This is accomplished by building healthy public policies, creating supportive environments, and strengthening community action and personal skills.

When was Iuhpe founded?

At the beginning of the year 2000, the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) and Oxford University Press signed a collaboration agreement to work towards a more formal and mutually beneficial exchange.

What are the four principles of health promotion?

Due to health care being such a dynamic environment, the four principles of health care ethics were created to support professionals as you navigate patient care. These principles are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice.

Is health promotion a good thing?

Health promotion enhances the quality of life for all people. By focusing on prevention, health promotion reduces the costs (both financial and human) that individuals, employers, families, insurance companies, medical facilities, communities, the state and the nation would spend on medical treatment.

What are the core competencies of the iuhpe?

The IUHPE Core Competencies and Professional Standards for Health Promotion are underpinned by an understanding that Health Promotion has been shown to be an ethical, principled, effective and evidence-based discipline and that there are well-developed theories, strategies, evidence and values that determine good practice in Health Promotion.

What makes a health promotion practitioner an iuhpe?

Within the context of the IUHPE Core Competencies, Professional Standards and Accreditation System, a Health Promotion practitioner is defined as a person who works to promote health and reduce health inequities using the actions described by the Ottawa Charter (2): building healthy public policy

What are the core competencies for health promotion?

‘ Developing Consensus on Core Competencies for Health Promotion. IUHPE, Paris. Report on the development of the CompHP Core Competencies Framework, including the methods used to facilitate consensus-building with European stakeholders.

What are the principles of the iuhpe accreditation system?

The IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System is based on the core concepts and principles of Health Promotion outlined in the Ottawa Charter (1986) and successive WHO charters and declarations on Health Promotion ( ).