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What can I do with a narrow garden?


What can I do with a narrow garden?

Small garden ideas

  1. Add a gallery wall. Image credit: FuturePLC/Tim Young.
  2. Create a mini outdoor kitchen. Image credit: FuturePLC/Tim Young.
  3. Double your space.
  4. Create a kids corner.
  5. Set up a private bar.
  6. Hang furniture to free up floorspace.
  7. Make a small space work harder.
  8. Enliven the space with colour.

How can I make my long garden look nice?

Come and take a look and see which ones are perfect for your garden!

  1. Lay artificial grass. Save.
  2. Add some storage. Save.
  3. Keep things neat with pots. Save.
  4. Edge the lawn. Save.
  5. Upcycle some pieces. Save.
  6. Treat yourself to new furniture. Save.
  7. Screen off unsightly areas. Save.
  8. Set up automatic sprinklers. Save.

How can I make my garden look magical?

Spring DIY: 5 Tips on Making Your Garden Magical

  1. Lay Down a Nice Base. Cleaning is in order – I know this doesn’t sound very magical, but doing any kind of work in a messy environment will only require more work later.
  2. Placing Stone Paths.
  3. Plant Flowers.
  4. Craft Your Furniture.
  5. Introduce Magical Lighting.

How do you break up a garden?

8 ways to partition your garden using boundaries, borders and clever planting


How can I make my garden look nice without money?

Cheap garden ideas: 34 simple ways to update your outdoor space…

  1. Paint a statement wall.
  2. Build your own fire pit.
  3. Grow a lawn from seed.
  4. Give your garden furniture a clean.
  5. Add a lick of paint to your tables and chairs.
  6. Repurpose tins.
  7. Upcycle pallets for pretty planters.
  8. Give old tires a new lease of life.

How can I make my garden more attractive?

10 Tips for Beautiful Gardens in Small Spaces

  1. Add flowers or flowering plants.
  2. Control weeds.
  3. Group plants around a theme.
  4. Add some garden art.
  5. Use colourful pots or feature containers.
  6. Use multi-functional edible herbs and flowers.
  7. Create unity and diversity.
  8. Choose a feature.

How do I turn my backyard into a secret garden?

Keep reading to find out how to create your own secret garden room even if you have a suburban yard.

  1. Define An Entryway.
  2. Create A Sense Of Privacy.
  3. Install Curved Paths.
  4. Make Sure There’s Enough Shade.
  5. Provide a Destination.
  6. Light It Up.
  7. Add Some Romance.

How can I make a secret garden?

To create a slightly wild, secret garden feeling in urban courtyards where you have limited bed space, plant a vine in the ground or a large container. Let a trailing climber, such as wisteria, honeysuckle or a climbing rose, ramble up the sides of buildings and cloak the area with foliage and flowers.

What should you do with a perennial garden?

With a perennial garden (for both perennials for shade and perennials for sun) most of the work will be devoted to the initial landscaping and planting of the flowers. From then on, with proper maintenance, you will have a fabulous garden that returns year after year.

What are some good ideas for a small vegetable garden?

Another small vegetable garden idea is to try climbing plants, to make the most of the space by using vertical surfaces to grow crops up. Add in some herbs, which make excellent potted plants and can also be beneficial companion plants, and you could have all you need to rustle up a delicious homegrown meal at your fingertips.

What are some DIY projects you can do in your garden?

Quickly identify all the various plants in your garden by making a set of garden labels. These clay labels are an easy DIY or you can try repurposing old wine corks for your herb garden. Continue to 6 of 25 below. Help your climbing vines go the distance by building a modern garden trellis.

What should be the focal point of a perennial garden?

When designing perennial gardens, designate a focal point, a spot that will command attention and draw the eye to your perennial garden. The focal point can be a garden sculpture, a fountain, birdbath, bench or even a plant. A vine-covered tuteur easily qualifies as a focal point. With a kidney-shape bed, place the focal point at the incurve.
