Useful Tips

What does a rock stuck in a hard place mean?

What does a rock stuck in a hard place mean?

phrase [PHRASE after verb] If you are caught between a rock and a hard place, you are in a difficult situation where you have to choose between two equally unpleasant courses of action.

How do you use between a rock and a hard place in a sentence?


  1. I hate my job but cannot quit owing to my economic condition.
  2. I can’t make up my mind whose side I am on; I’m caught between a rock and a hard place.
  3. He was caught between a rock and a hard place.
  4. Our company was caught between a rock and a hard place.
  5. They are both my brothers!

What do you do between a rock and a hard place?

Unplugging and re-charging when you’re stuck between and rock and a hard place also allows the brain to re-organize the information you have held online. When you “think” about options, you call them up. The brain makes associations between these options.

Can’t see the woods through the trees?

If someone can’t see the wood for the trees in British English, or can’t see the forest for the trees in American English, they are very involved in the details of something and so they do not notice what is important about the thing as a whole.

What does it mean to be caught in between?

DEFINITIONS1. to be involved in a disagreement between other people.

Is long in the tooth?

If you describe someone as long in the tooth, you are saying unkindly or humorously that they are old or getting old.

Why is Rock So Hard?

The chemical bonds that hold atoms together in these minerals are stronger in some than in others, and the atoms themselves determine which bonds are stronger than others. Stronger bonds make for stronger minerals and, thus, harder rocks.

What does it mean to be between two fires?

Between two sources of conflict. When my dad joined my mom in criticizing me, I felt like I was caught between two fires.