
What does Stage T1a mean?


What does Stage T1a mean?

T1a means that the cancer is in less than 5% of the removed tissue. Your surgeon unexpectedly finds T1a cancers during surgery for other reasons. T1b means that the cancer is in 5% or more of the removed tissue. Your surgeon unexpectedly finds T1b cancers during surgery for other reasons.

How long can you live with pT3a prostate cancer?

98% for patients with stage pT3a (N = 2675; 10-year biochemically recurrence-free survival 53%; 10-year overall survival 89%) 87% for patients with stage pT3b (N = 1373; 10-year biochemically recurrence-free survival 18%; 10-year overall survival 79%)

What does T1c mean?

T1b: The tumor is found accidentally during BPH surgery. Cancer cells are detected in more than 5 percent of the tissue removed. T1c: The tumor is found during a needle biopsy that was performed because of an elevated PSA level.

How bad is a Gleason score of 7?

A Gleason score of 7 is considered medium-grade cancer and Gleason 8 and above is high-grade cancer. The lower the Gleason score, the less likely the cancer is going to spread to the lymph nodes, bones or other organs.

What is stage 2 of prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is referred to as stage II when the cancer can be detected by a digital rectal examination (DRE) or an elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and there is no evidence that the cancer has spread outside the prostate to other organs.

What does stage T3 mean in prostate cancer?

It is also known as stage T3 (using the TNM staging system). The “stage” of prostate cancer refers to how advanced or spread throughout the body it is. Two main systems describe prostate cancer stages. The “TNM” system is the most commonly used, but the Jewett system is used by some doctors.

What does T2 stand for in prostate cancer?

T2 means the cancer is completely inside the prostate gland. It’s divided into T2a, T2b and T2c. T2a means the cancer is in only half of one side of the prostate gland. T2b means the cancer is in more than half of one side of the prostate gland.

What does TNM stand for in prostate cancer?

TNM Staging. The TNM staging system is the most common way that doctors stage prostate cancer. TNM stands for T umour, N ode, M etastasis. Doctors may also use a number staging system.

What is the difference between T1 and T1b prostate cancer?

T1 means the cancer is too small to be seen on a scan, or felt during examination of the prostate. It’s divided into T1a, T1b and T1c. T1a means that the cancer is in less than 5% of the removed tissue. Your surgeon unexpectedly finds T1a cancers during surgery for other reasons. T1b means that the cancer is in 5% or more of the removed tissue.