
What formation did Hannibal use?


What formation did Hannibal use?

They massed their heavy infantry in a deeper formation than usual, while Hannibal used the double envelopment tactic and surrounded his enemy, trapping the majority of the Roman army, who were then slaughtered….Battle of Cannae.

Date 2 August 216 BC
Result Carthaginian victory (see Aftermath)

What was Hannibal strategy?

Hannibal’s strategic objective was to demoralize Rome’s Italian allies and cause them to defect. And some did in southern Italy, where Hannibal and his army held out for more than a dozen years. But in the end, Hannibal was forced to abandon Italy by a general as bold as he was: Publius Cornelius Scipio.

What is Hannibal most famous for?

Hannibal was known for leading the Carthaginian army and a team of elephants across southern Europe and the Alps Mountains against Rome in the Second Punic War.

Is Polybius a primary source?

Polybius is a more reliable source than other ancient historians because he is a primary source as oppose to other historians who were not primary sources.

What sources did Polybius use?

Polybius regarded oral sources as his most important, and the questioning of witnesses as the most vital part of a historian’s task; indeed, this is one reason why he chose to begin his main history at the year 220. Anything else would be “hearsay at one remove,” a safe foundation for neither judgments nor statements.

Is Polybius a credible source?

Throughout his books, Polybius has a lot to say about the correct way to write history, and it clear that he wanted to ‘get back to Thucydides’; he is generally regarded therefore – as ancient historians go – as a ‘reliable’ source. …

Why is Polybius a credible source?

Throughout his books, Polybius has a lot to say about the correct way to write history, and it clear that he wanted to ‘get back to Thucydides’; he is generally regarded therefore – as ancient historians go – as a ‘reliable’ source. What he calls ‘digressions’ to discuss geography, art, science and moral issues.

What is the greatest contribution of Polybius?

The largest Polybian work was, of course, his Histories, of which only the first five books survive entirely intact, along with a large portion of the sixth book and fragments of the rest. Along with Cato the Elder (234–149 BC), he can be considered one of the founding fathers of Roman historiography.

Why did Hannibal want to climb the Alps?

[50] Hannibal began his ascent (anabole) of the Alps and soon found himself beset with great dangers. So long as the Carthaginians had remained in the plains the various chieftains of the Allobroges had left them alone because of their fear both of the Carthaginian cavalry and also of the barbarian troops who were escorting them.

What did the Carthaginians do with Hannibal’s troops?

But as soon as the latter had set off for home and Hannibal’s troops began to advance into difficult country, the Allobrogian chiefs gathered a large force and took up commanding positions alongside the road by which the Carthaginians would have to climb.

Are there any similarities between Hannibal and Livius?

There are so many similarities that we can be sure that both authors shared the same source.

Who was the consul for 216 B.C.?

But Caius Terentius [C. Terentius Varro, Consul for 216 B.C.] being, from inexperience, of a contrary opinion, there was a dispute and misunderstanding between the two leaders, which of all things is the most dangerous.