
What irrigation fluid is used in TURP?


What irrigation fluid is used in TURP?

Normal saline is the ideal irrigation fluid for TURP; however its electrical conducting properties prohibit its use with conventional monpolar TURP system in the past.

Why glycine is used in TURP?

The authors conclude that the irrigating fluid should have a minimal concentration of glycine, near to the level of haemolysis onset, to minimize the plasma dilution effects, including hyponatraemia, and the appearance of metabolites when the irrigating fluid is absorbed.

How much fluid is absorbed during TURP?

The average rate of fluid absorption during TURP is 20 ml/min. Due to circulatory overload, the blood volume increases, systolic and diastolic pressures increase and the heart may fail. The absorbed fluid dilutes the serum proteins and decreases the oncotic pressure of blood.

What does TURP mean medically?

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Tissue is removed from the prostate using a resectoscope (a thin, lighted tube with a cutting tool at the end) inserted through the urethra. Prostate tissue that is blocking the urethra is cut away and removed through the resectoscope.

Is TURP considered major surgery?

TURP is a major surgery with serious risks and potential complications. You may have less invasive treatment options.

What is post TURP syndrome?

Abstract. Absorption of large volumes of irrigation fluid during transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) can produce hyponatremia, coma, blindness, and cardiorespiratory depression. This has been termed the “post-TURP syndrome.” The pathophysiology and management of this syndrome are controversial.

What is the success rate of TURP?

TURP is an efficient procedure, which was also proven in this cohort. At discharge 79.6% of patients were catheter free and this percentage increased to 92.6% at 3 months. Success rates at both time points were higher in fit patients: 80.9 vs. 75% and 95.2 vs.