Useful Tips

What is a captive technology?


What is a captive technology?

Captive centers, those that are client owned and operated, provide resources directly to their organization. The associates working in the centers are employed by the company, not a vendor.

What are the three different types of outsourcing?

A few of the main categories include:

  • Professional outsourcing.
  • IT outsourcing.
  • Manufacturing outsourcing.
  • Project outsourcing.
  • Process outsourcing.
  • Operational outsourcing.

What are captive IT companies?

Captive IT units, often referred to as global innovation centres, pose a big threat to Indian IT industry as it allows large enterprises to build technology skills internally and not require an outsourced firm such as Infosys and TCS.

What is the purpose of a captive unit?

A captive unit is a business unit of a company functioning offshore as an entity of its own while retaining the work and close operational tie ups within the parent company.

What is the purpose of captive insurance?

The Purpose of a Captive To be very clear, the purpose of an insurance company and, therefore, a captive is to pay losses (your own losses) and to afford you (the owner) more control over your risk and any losses that do occur. Put another way, captives are an alternative risk transfer mechanism used to finance risk.

What is meant by captive location?

Captive centers are client-owned-and-operated service delivery centers, typically in a nondomestic, low-cost location, that provide service resources directly to their organization. The personnel in a captive facility are legal employees of the organization, not the vendor.

What is captive company strategy?

Captive strategy refers to a type of marketing and sales-based approach that persuades or limits the customer, buying a good or product initially, to continue buying prospective products from that one vendor.

What do you mean by captive?

1 : one who has been captured : one taken and held usually in confinement Something there is in us that finds captivity captivating, particularly when the captives are prisoners of war.—

How does a captive work?

The Captive Option Again, as a captive is an insurance company, reserve funds held for the payment of future losses are deductible. If a company simply increases its retention, the funds held in reserve do not constitute an insurance premium, and, therefore, the tax benefit is not realized.

Do you need a captive model for outsourcing?

In captive models where companies need to scout for employees, they might not always be assured of getting the best talent the market has to offer. This is especially difficult for smaller companies as affordable labour markets are extremely competitive spaces.

Which is the best business model for captive operations?

Captive Operations Business Models The most common approaches nowadays are either working with a third-party outsourcing provider or establishing captive operations in lower cost locations. Engagement models can be differentiated based upon customer organization’s need for management control, costs of operation, risks and other factors.

Do you use a captive or BPO sourcing strategy?

The results suggest that 54% of member companies follow either a captive, or a captive with selective outsourcing approach, with 12% indicating that BPO was the primary approach followed. 34% of responses indicate an even mix between a hybrid approach that was trending to more captive, and a hybrid approach that was trending to include more BPO.

Which is better a captive shared services center or outsourcing?

For example, you may decide to start outsourcing your most transactional, lower risk activities such as AP, Cash Application and Reconciliations, and get significant savings in a short period of time, while simultaneously standing up a captive center for other activities that could also be centralized, but operated internally.