
What is a sacrospinous ligament suspension?


What is a sacrospinous ligament suspension?

A sacrospinous ligament suspension is a surgical procedure to restore the support of the top of the vagina, most commonly after hysterectomy. It can be performed at the same time as hysterectomy, or later on in life in women who have previously undergone a hysterectomy.

What is sacrospinous ligament?

The sacrospinous ligament is a ligament that starts at the ischial spine and extends to the sacrum (tailbone). It is composed of the ligament and the underlying muscle (coccygeus muscle) and is higher in the pelvis, thus providing a very good point for fixation of the vaginal apex.

What is CPT code for Perineorrhaphy?

Related CPT Codes

CPT Code Description
57250 Posterior colporrhaphy, repair of rectocele with or without perineorrhaphy
57260 Combined anteroposterior colporrhaphy, including cystourethroscopy, when performed;
57265 Combined anteroposterior colporrhaphy, including cystourethroscopy, when performed; with enterocele repair

What is the CPT code for Uterosacral suspension ligament?

intraperitoneal vaginal colpopexy (eg, high uterosacral ligament suspension, 57283)

How is sacrospinous ligament fixation performed?

At Northwestern Medicine, your urogynecologist will perform the sacrospinous ligament suspension through an incision in the vagina. Either permanent and/or slowly dissolving stitches are placed into the sacrospinous ligament and then through the top of the vagina. Over time, scar tissue forms that supports the vagina.

What is the function of the sacrospinous ligament?

The sacrospinous ligament, originating from the lateral margin of the inferior sacrum and attaching at the ischial spine, assists in resisting external rotation forces of the pelvis.

What is the CPT code for Sacrospinous ligament fixation?

In this case, the codes you can choose from include 57282 (for sacrospinous ligament fixation), 57240 (for cystocele repair), and 57268 (for vaginal-approach enterocele repair).

What is Colorrhaphy?

(kə-lôr′ə-fē) Suture of the colon.

What is the CPT code for Rectocele repair?

57260-51 (Cystocele/rectocele repair) C. 57267 x 2 (Insertion of mesh for anterior/posterior repairs) noting that CPT 57267 is exempt from the multiple-procedure rule.

How long does Sacrospinous fixation last?

We usually suggest you have the pessary changed every 6 months. Some GP surgeries will change pessaries for you.

Which is the correct Medicare Code for sacrospinous ligament fixation?

A: When coding any surgery for Medicare submission, it’s always a good idea to check the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) to see which code combinations are bundled. In this case, the codes you can choose from include 57282 (for sacrospinous ligament fixation), 57240 (for cystocele repair), and 57268 (for vaginal-approach enterocele repair).

Can a sacrospinous ligament suspension be performed after a hysterectomy?

A sacrospinous ligament suspension is a surgical procedure to restore the support of the top of the vagina, most commonly after hysterectomy. It can be performed at the same time as hysterectomy, or later on in life in women who have previously undergone a hysterectomy.

What is the CPT code for uterosacral ligament fixation?

uterosacral ligament fixation. The preferred alternative code for such a procedure would be CPT code 58999 (unlisted procedure, female genital system, non-obstetrical) with reference to either CPT code 57283 (colpopexy vaginal, intraperitoneal) or perhaps 57270 (repair of enterocele, abdominal approach, separate procedure) if enterocele is present.

Is the sacrospinous ligament sewn to the vagina?

It can be performed at the same time as a hysterectomy, or later on in life in women who have previously undergone a hysterectomy. In this surgery, the top of the vagina is sewn to the sacrospinous ligament, which is a strong, supportive structure that runs between the bones of the pelvis and the sacrum, thereby restoring its support.