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What is a suffix on Medicare card?


What is a suffix on Medicare card?

The Medicare claim number identifies whose account the client is drawing from and why they are receiving those benefits. The second part of the claim number is the suffix. It is usually a letter, which may or may not be followed by a digit. The suffix indicates the type of benefits the claimant receives.

What do Medicare ID numbers look like?

MBIs are numbers and upper-case letters. We use numbers 1-9 and all letters from A to Z, except for S, L, O, I, B, and Z. If you use lowercase letters, our system will convert them to uppercase letters.

What do the letters after Medicare ID number mean?

All “F” codes are followed by a number to signify the relationship. Code H — indicates Medicare eligibility due to disability. HA means you are a disabled claimant. HB means you are the wife of a disabled claimant. HC means you are the child of a disabled claimant.

What does M stand for after Medicare number?

What Do The Letters After A Social Security Or Medicare Number Mean?

Code Identification
F6 Adopting Mother
HA Disabled claimant (wage earner)
HB Aged wife of disabled claimant, age 62 or over
M Uninsured – Premium Health Insurance Benefits (Part A)

How do I read my Medicare number?

Your Individual Reference Number (IRN or ‘Medicare reference number’) is the number to the left of your name on the card. When you provide your IRN, ensure that you provide the number alongside your name and not the last digit of your Medicare number.

What is a Medicare ID number?

The new Medicare cards, issued by CMS, have a unique, randomly-assigned number called a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) that replaces the existing Social Security-based Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN).

How can I find a Medicare ID number?

To get your Medicare card or number: Sign in to your MyMedicare.gov account. If you don’t have an account yet, visit MyMedicare.gov to create one. You can sign in to see your Medicare Number or print an official copy of your card.

What does the T mean in the Medicare ID number?

According to Social Security’s code list, “T” means the person has elected to receive only health insurance benefits (no Social Security) and is entitled to Medicare Part A under deemed or real provisions or fully insured. “B” identifies a wife, age 62 or over, whose benefits are related to her husband’s record.

What is Medicare ID number?

Your Medicare number, also known as the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI), contains eleven random letters and numbers. It shows on the red, white, and blue Medicare card. You can also find it on paperwork you receive from the Social Security Administration. Otherwise, contact your local Medicare or SSA office.

What does the suffix d mean on a Medicare number?

If your suffix code is in the “C” category, your primary claimant parent’s Social Security Number represents the first nine numbers of your Medicare Claim Number. “D” by itself indicates you are the widow of a primary claimant. Other Medicare suffixes in the “D” category include:

What do the letters at the end of a Medicare number mean?

Besides the letter A, which indicates you are a primary claimant who has paid into the Medicare system as a wage earner, there are 33 other common codes that appear at the end of Medicare Claim Numbers to identify the nature of eligibility.

What are the first nine digits of a Medicare number?

The first nine digits of a Medicare Claim Number should match the nine digits of the cardholder’s Social Security Number or, often, the nine digits of the cardholder’s spouse’s, parent’s, or child’s Social Security Number.

What are the prefixes and suffixes of hicn?

HICN Prefixes and Suffixes HIC Suffix Sex Explanation A M or F male or female PRIMARY CLAIMANT B F female AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (FIRST CLAIMAN B1 M male AGED HUSBAND, AGE 62 OR OVER (FIRST CLAI B2 F female YOUNG WIFE, WITH A CHILD IN HER CARE (FI