What is a zone swim meet?
What is a zone swim meet?
“Zones” are the zonal championship meets for age group swimmers, and “Sectionals” are the zonal championship meets for senior swimmers. Eastern Winter Zones often are considered the “prestigious Zones” because it is open only to each LSC’s top 2-3 swimmers in each event.
What is the age limit for USA Swimming?
18 and older
As a membership requirement, adult athletes who are currently 18 and older must complete this training. Adult athletes will be given a 30-day grace period in which to complete the training. Those athlete members who are 17, about to turn 18, must complete this training by their 18th birthday.
What are the swimming pool rules?
1) Always follow the specific rules laid down by your local pool.
- 2) Always follow the instructions of the lifeguard.
- 5) No rough play, either.
- 7) Avoid going to the pool if you have the flu, open wounds, or warts.
- 10) Do not enter the pool if you are dirty.
How can you get disqualified in swimming?
Swimmers may receive a disqualification for violating certain rules while in the act of swimming. Failing to touch the wall when executing a turn, grabbing the lane markers, using the lane markers for momentum or pushing off the bottom of the pool will all result in a disqualification.
What are the different levels of swim meets?
Age Group The National Age Group divisions are: 10-under, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, and 17-18. Occasionally, a meet will use non-standard divisions such as: 8-under, 13-Over, and 15- Over. Age grouping is used so that swimmers compete against others of similar size and development.
What comes after sectionals in swimming?
A swimmer’s USA Swimming path begins at the state-level Junior Olympics (JOs) meet, progresses to Zones and Sectionals, and then moves onto the “national” stage at Junior Nationals and the new-ish Futures Championships.
Can 13 year olds wear tech suits?
Tech suits aren’t designed for youngsters. The swim suit manufacturers design these suits for older age group swimmers and up.
What is an illegal kick in the breaststroke kick?
Advertisement. Back in 2004, the dolphin kick was completely illegal in breaststroke races. After the Kitajima controversy, FINA strangely decided to become more permissive, ruling that breaststrokers could take one—and only one—dolphin kick at the start and the turn of each race.
How many swimming clubs are there in Alabama?
Southeastern Swimming is one of 59 Local Swimming Committees (LSC’s) that make up USA Swimming, the governing body for US Olympic Swimming. Southeastern Swimming represents about 7,900 swimmers from 79 clubs located in the States of Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee. SES OFFICE CONTACT INFORMATION.
How old do you have to be to become an adult in Alabama?
Alabama provides for a legal process, referred to as the “ emancipation of a minor,” by which a person under the age of 19 can become an adult in the eyes of the law. While the age of majority in Alabama in 19, emancipation can allow for an 18-yr old minor to be responsible for his or her own decisions regarding education and other matters.
Is it time for open water swimming season?
Summer is coming. No, really. It is. It might not feel like it now, but it’s just up around the bend, and with it comes open water swimming season. With that knowledge in hand, it’s time to turn Aesop’s fable of the “Ant and t…
What does southeastern swimming do for a living?
Our Mission: Southeastern Swimming supports our members in achieving excellence in swimming and in life. Our Vision: Leading the country in high end performance and life skill development. Southeastern Swimming is one of 59 Local Swimming Committees (LSC’s) that make up USA Swimming, the governing body for US Olympic Swimming.