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What is an example of banished?


What is an example of banished?

The definition of banish means to send away or get rid of someone or something. A person being told by officials to leave a city is an example of banish. Choosing to forget a bad memory is an example of to banish.

What does getting banished mean?

1 : to require by authority to leave a country a dictator who banishes anyone who opposes him. 2 : to drive out or remove from a home or place of usual resort or continuance He was banished from court.

What is Bamish?

Use the adjective beamish when you describe someone who is smiling and cheerful. Beamish dates from the 1500’s, from the verb beam, “to smile radiantly.” Lewis Carroll may have thought he invented the word in his poem “Jabberwocky,” which is full of made-up words, but beamish is real, if uncommon.

What is the meaning of Barnished?

transitive verb. 1a : to make shiny or lustrous especially by rubbing burnish leather burnishing his sword. b : polish sense 3 attempting to burnish her image. 2 : to rub (a material) with a tool for compacting or smoothing or for turning an edge pottery with a smooth burnished surface. burnish.

Does ban come from banished?

Banish comes from the Old French word banir, which means “proclaim as an outlaw.” It is serious and absolute. You can see the word ban in banish, but to ban something is not as harsh as banishing it.

Is Unbanished a word?

No, unbanished is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What kind of word is banished?

to expel from or relegate to a country or place by authoritative decree; condemn to exile: He was banished to Devil’s Island. to compel to depart; send, drive, or put away: to banish sorrow.

Is banishment still used?

Its use is hard for legal scholars to track, but banishment is still employed in at least a handful of states, particularly in the South, as a viable alternative to incarceration.

What is known burnishing?

Answer: It’s called a burnish, a gloss only achieved by loads of polishing. Likewise, you can burnish a resume by polishing it until it’s perfect. But you could burnish a car, a suit of armor, or a copper kettle. Reputations are among the most common non-physical things to be burnished.

What extradite means?

: to send (one who has been accused of a crime) to another state or country for trial. Examples: An alleged criminal is typically only extradited under the provisions of a treaty or statute, but a fugitive is occasionally surrendered by one state or country to another as an act of good will. “

What does the name banished mean?

banished; banishing; banishes. transitive verb. 1 : to require by authority to leave a country a dictator who banishes anyone who opposes him. 2 : to drive out or remove from a home or place of usual resort or continuance He was banished from court.

What is another word for banished?

banish, relegate, bar(verb) expel, as if by official decree. “he was banished from his own country”. Synonyms: barricade, blockade, block up, relegate, bump, cast out, classify, ban, blackball, submit, demote, break, debar, block, kick downstairs, bar, ostracize, block off, pass on, exclude, ostracise, stop, shun.

What does the name banish mean?

The definition of banish means to send away or get rid of someone or something.

What does the word banishment mean?

banishment – the state of being banished or ostracized (excluded from society by general consent); “the association should get rid of its elderly members–not by euthanasia, of course, but by Coventry”. Coventry, ostracism. exclusion – the state of being excluded.