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What is an example of numeric data type?


What is an example of numeric data type?

Numeric data types are numbers stored in database columns. These data types are typically grouped by: The exact numeric types are INTEGER , BIGINT , DECIMAL , NUMERIC , NUMBER , and MONEY . Approximate numeric types, values where the precision needs to be preserved and the scale can be floating.

What is DEC in SAP?

DEC: Counter or amount field with decimal point, sign, and commas separating thousands. A DEC field has a maximum length of 31 places. FLTP: Floating point number. The length (including decimal places) is set to 16 places for this data type.

What are the different numeric data types?

These types include the exact numeric data types ( INTEGER , SMALLINT , DECIMAL , and NUMERIC ), as well as the approximate numeric data types ( FLOAT , REAL , and DOUBLE PRECISION ). The keyword INT is a synonym for INTEGER , and the keywords DEC and FIXED are synonyms for DECIMAL .

What is raw data type in SAP?

RAW: Uninterpreted byte string. Fields of type RAW may have only a maximum length of 255 in tables. If longer raw fields are required in tables, you should select data type LRAW. LRAW: Uninterpreted byte string of any length, but has to be declared with a minimum length of 256.

How are numeric data types used in SAP?

Numeric data types are used to store numeric information. Each numeric type below has a maximum value and minimum value. A numeric overflow exception is thrown if a value is smaller than the minimum value or greater than the maximum value. In order to comply with IEEE754, NaN and infinity are not supported . -0.0 is stored as +0.0.

What are the different types of numeric data?

Numeric Data Types. Numeric data types are numbers stored in database columns. These data types are typically grouped by: Exact numeric types, values where the precision and scale need to be preserved. The exact numeric types are INTEGER, BIGINT, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, NUMBER, and MONEY.

What are the approximate numeric data types in SQL?

The approximate numeric data types are FLOAT (p), REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION. These represent real numbers, but they are not represented as exact numbers in the database. Rather, they are an approximation of the real number because of the way that computer systems represent numbers.

What does data-types ( alphanumeric ) do in Excel?

DATA-TYPES (alphanumeric) Describes various entry characteristics of each column. Each time you set this property, you describe the data type for the next column in the grid, starting with the first. Setting this property to spaces clears the previously specified data types.