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What is another word for quick on the uptake?


What is another word for quick on the uptake?

What is another word for quick on the uptake?

sharp bright
smart quick
intelligent alert
quick-witted on the ball
with it clever

Whats the meaning of uptake?

1 : the act or action of grasping with the mind : understanding, comprehension —usually used in the phrases quick on the uptake and slow on the uptake Djuna was a very haughty lady, quick on the uptake [=quick to learn or understand], and with a wisecracking tongue that I was far too discreet to try and rival.

What is the meaning of quick on the uptake?

phrase. You say that someone is quick on the uptake when they understand things quickly. You say that someone is slow on the uptake when they have difficulty understanding simple or obvious things. She is not an intellectual, but is quick on the uptake.

What is a word for quick to learn?

What is another word for quick to learn?

apt gifted
smart talented
intelligent skilled
able adept
astute capable

What does uptake rate mean?

The definition of uptake is the percentage of women who, having been sent an invitation for screening, attend a screening unit and undergo mammography in response to that invitation. Uptake rates are available by year (see below) Uptake Rate – One year – click HERE for pdf version.

What does it mean when someone is slow on the uptake?

If someone is quick/slow on the uptake, they understand things easily/with difficulty: He’s a little slow on the uptake, so you may have to repeat the instructions a few times.

Where did slow on the uptake come from?

Origin of Slow on the Uptake It comes from the verb take up, formerly uptake. The verb uptake is now obsolete, but it existed before the noun form, since it originated in the 1300s. Imagine that you are trying to learn something from a book. You take the information from the pages up into your brain.

Are fast learners more intelligent?

Being a fast learner is typically a sign that a child is pretty intelligent. Another sign that a child is a quick learner is if they tend to learn lessons much faster than other children do. Some of them are also pretty good at working on projects alone.

What’s a word for learning new things?

What is another word for learning new things?

acquiring new information acquiring new knowledge
learning new facts learning something new
updating one’s knowledge acquiring new skills
developing new skills mastering new skills

How do you understand oxygen uptake?

Oxygen uptake (or consumption) is a measure of a person’s ability to take in oxygen via the respiratory system and deliver it to the working tissues via the cardiovascular system, and the ability of working tissues (predominantly skeletal muscle) to use oxygen.

What does slow on the uptake mean?

be quick
be quick​/​slow on the uptake ​Definitions and Synonyms phrase​informal. DEFINITIONS1. to take a very short​/​long time to understand or realize something.

What is another word for uptake?

uptake | definition: the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating) | synonyms: drink, bodily process, sucking, suction, suck, body process, activity, intake, consumption, bodily function, drinking, deglutition, imbibing, eating, imbibition, ingestion, swallow, feeding| antonyms: abstain, dishonor, peristalsis, anastalsis, bottlefeed

What is the plural of uptake?

Noun. uptake ( countable and uncountable, plural uptakes ) Understanding; comprehension. Absorption, especially of food or nutrient by an organism. The act of lifting or taking up. ( dated) A chimney. ( dated) The upcast pipe from the smokebox of a steam boiler towards the chimney.

What is the opposite of uptake?

Uptake antonyms – 13 Opposites of Uptake. emittance. incomprehension. n. wrong end of the stick. depreciation. ignorance. misapprehension. misconception.