
What is PDU and PMI?


What is PDU and PMI?

Professional Development Units (PDUs) are one-hour blocks of time that you spend learning, teaching others, or volunteering. By accumulating and tracking these over your certification cycle you can maintain your certification status with PMI.

How many PDU is my PMI?

Log on to pmi.org and go to “myPMI”. On your “myPMI” page under the Certification Status, click on “Report PDUs on CCRS”. You will see links for both Education and Giving Back Claim category. Follow the links as per your plan.

What are technical PDU for PMI?

What are Technical PDUs: Technical skills represent topics of PMIs certificate within the project, program, and portfolio management. For example, if you are PMI-ACP® and PMP® certified, your technical PDUs in Agile topics will also count for PMP® certification.

What does PMI PMP stand for?

Project Management Professional
Project Management Professional (PMP)

Do PMI PDUs carry over?

As per the PMP Handbook, PMI allows for the transfer of up to 20 PDUs to the next CCR cycle provided that the excess PDUs were earned in the final year (12 months) of the current CCR cycle.

How do I log PDU on PMI?

To report PDUs to PMI®, perform the following steps:

  1. Open your browser and go to the PMI.org site.
  2. Click the Log In button located at the top right of the screen.
  3. Enter your username and password.
  4. Click on the MyPMI drop down and click “Dashboard”.
  5. Click the “Report PDUs” button.

What is the difference between PDU and contact hours?

If you are working toward a Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification, you may have wondered “What is the difference between Contact Hours and Professional Development Units (PDUs)?” The main difference between Contact Hours and PDUs is that Contact Hours are accumulated prior and PDUs after your PMP® Exam.

How to claim PDU’s?


  • Log in to the website
  • Click “Report PDUs” on the left
  • Now select “Online or Digital Media” on the right
  • Fill in the form based on the table below
  • What are PDU credits?

    PDU Credits. According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), Professional Development Units ( PDUs ) are used to quantify approved learning and professional service activities for certified Project Management Professional ( PMP )® and Program Management Professional (PgMP)® credential holders.

    What is PDU credit?

    PDU Credit. PDU credit is given by the Project Management Institute. SmartPros is a recognized provider with the PMI Registered Educational Provider Program (PMI R.E.P.). SmartPros accepts and adheres to all PMI R.E.P. Program Policies, requirement and rules concerning the provision of professional education activities and materials.

    What is a professional development unit (PDU)?

    Professional Development Units (PDU) What is a Professional Development Unit? A Professional Development Unit (PDU) is differentiated, action research learning with application to practice designed to support teachers and SSPs to improve or acquire skills focused on topics of student need, including closing the opportunity gap.