What is the answer to number 8 on the Impossible Quiz Book 1?
What is the answer to number 8 on the Impossible Quiz Book 1?
The answer choices you’re given say “G”, “E”, “I” and “Hang on… This question seems familiar”. Just like the last option hints at you, this question will indeed look familiar to you assuming you have played the first game.
What is the answer to question 48 on the impossible quiz 1?
Question 48 of The Impossible Quiz is the fifth of nine questions which originated as an idea by Rabid-Coot (Etinogard). It says “Snake? Snake!?” and the possible choices say “Snake!”, “Snaaaake!”, “Snake?”, and “Snail!”
What’s the answer to 25 on impossible quiz?
Question 25 of The Impossible Quiz says “How do you kill a werewolf?”, and the possible answers say “Shoe polish”, “Gravy granules”, “Black pudding”, and “Cillit Bang”.
What is the answer to 26 on impossible quiz?
In the iOS version of The Impossible Quiz, the question and the signs remain the same, but there are only four possible options instead of the original seven: “Germansweek”, “Arsefacey”, “Brown Willy” and “Hell Creek”. The answer is still “Arsefacey”.
How to complete the impossible quiz book chapter 1 by?
Drag the word “mouse” on top of “here”, then click the arrow on the right of the screen (“Put the mouse on here”) 45. Drag the word “ground” away, then fix the leaks under it (the underground pipes -> the pipes under the word “ground”) (10) 46.
What’s the illegal thing to do on first the impossible?
Click the word “What” (It wasn’t a question, since there was no question mark) 7. Illegal (ill eagle) 8. Press “H” on the keyboard (the alphabet) (variant of a question from first The Impossible Quiz, even hinted at by one of the options)
How to answer the impossible quiz with no eyes?
Press “H” on the keyboard (the alphabet) (variant of a question from first The Impossible Quiz, even hinted at by one of the options) 9. Blnd Pg, since it has no eyes (no i’s)