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What is the best indicator of future walking in a child with cerebral palsy?

What is the best indicator of future walking in a child with cerebral palsy?

Reciprocal lower limb movement describes alternating limb movements to advance the body forward through crawling, walking, and running. Reciprocal crawling on hands and knees has been suggested as an important predictor of independent walking in children with CP.

What is the life expectancy like for patients with cerebral palsy?

Generally, children born with cerebral palsy can expect to live between 30 and 70 years on average. Those with the longest life expectancies usually have more mobility, better medical care and adaptive equipment and greater autonomy and independence. There is no cure for cerebral palsy and the condition lasts for life.

Can you have cerebral palsy and still walk?

Most (about 75%-85%) children with CP have spastic CP. This means that their muscles are stiff, and as a result, their movements can be awkward. Over half (about 50%-60%) of children with CP can walk independently. About 1 in 10 children identified with CP walk using a hand-held mobility device.

Do people with cerebral palsy walk with a limp?

Some people who have cerebral palsy have a slight limp or a hard time walking. Other people have little or no control over their arms and legs or other parts of the body, such as the mouth and tongue, which can cause problems with eating and speaking.

At what age do kids with cerebral palsy walk?

Early signs of CP include delays in meeting milestones, such as learning to roll over, sit up, crawl or walk. Sitting up alone usually happens between 6 and 8 months of age. Walking independently usually starts by 18 months of age.

Can a child with cerebral palsy learn to walk?

Yes, many people with cerebral palsy can walk! In fact, over half of all individuals with cerebral palsy can walk on their own without mobility aids like walkers or crutches.

Does cerebral palsy affect balance?

People with ataxic CP have problems with balance and coordination. They might be unsteady when they walk. They might have a hard time with quick movements or movements that need a lot of control, like writing. They might have a hard time controlling their hands or arms when they reach for something.