Common questions

What is the direct object in a sentence?


What is the direct object in a sentence?

The direct object is the thing that the subject acts upon, so in that last sentence, “cereal” is the direct object; it’s the thing Jake ate. An indirect object is an optional part of a sentence; it’s the recipient of an action.

What is an example of a sentence with 2 direct objects?

A sentence with a compound verb may have two different direct objects in it. Example: The dog ate the meat and drank some water. The direct object for the verb ate is meat.

What is a direct object person?

The direct object is the noun that receives the action of the transitive verb. And they give an example: The police have arrested the man who committed the robberies.

How do you identify the direct object in a sentence?

To find the direct object, say the subject and verb followed by whom or what. If nothing answers the question whom or what, you know that there is no direct object. Example: The car hit the tree.

What’s a direct object in grammar?

: a word or phrase denoting the receiver of the action of a verb.

What is a direct object example?

In English grammar, a direct object is a word or phrase that receives the action of the verb. In the sentence The students eat cake, the direct object is cake; the word eat is the verb and cake is what’s being eaten.

What is the example of direct object?

What is indirect object give example?

An indirect object is an object which is used with a transitive verb to indicate who benefits from an action or gets something as a result. For example, in ‘She gave him her address’, ‘him’ is the indirect object.

What is an example of an indirect object?

The definition of an indirect object is a grammar term for the person or thing to which something is done by the action of the verb in a sentence. An example of an indirect object is the word her in the sentence, “I baked the cookies for her.”.

What is direct object vs indirect object?

A direct object is the noun or pronoun that the verb acts directly on, while an indirect object is the person affected by the action but not acted directly upon. So in a sentence such as “I see Sam,” “Sam” is the direct object of “see” because “Sam” is the object that is seen.

What is the meaning of direct object?

direct object. n. A word or phrase in a sentence referring to the person or thing receiving the action of a transitive verb.

What does indirect object mean?

indirect object. The definition of an indirect object is a grammar term for the person or thing to which something is done by the action of the verb in a sentence.