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What is the most widely used precision agriculture tool?


What is the most widely used precision agriculture tool?

Precision agriculture was born with the introduction of GPS guidance for tractors in the early 1990s, and the adoption of this technology is now so widespread globally that it’s probably the most commonly-used example of precision ag today.

What is an example of precision agriculture?

One example of a precision agriculture practice is to evaluate the natural soil variability of a field. If the soil in one area holds water better, crops can be planted more densely and irrigation can be sparing. Or, if the plot is used for grazing, more cattle can graze than a similar area of poorer quality soil.

What are the disadvantages of precision agriculture?


  • Initial capital costs may be high and so it should be seen as a long-term investment.
  • It may take several years before you have sufficient data to fully implement the system.
  • Extremely demanding work particularly collecting and then analysing the data.

What is Ag Leader?

Ag Leader provides the most widely used grain yield monitoring technology in the world. Create and view yield and moisture maps while harvesting and instantly observe how field conditions affect yield. Make year-round management decisions based on this valuable information.

What three main elements does precision agriculture rely on?

(opens in new window)Summary. Precision agriculture gives farmers the ability to more effectively use crop inputs including fertilizers, pesticides, tillage and irrigation water. More effective use of inputs means greater crop yield and(or) quality, without polluting the environment.

How do you do precision agriculture?

Precision farming is practised by adopting analytical software and use of technical equipment. Rigorous data collection is done on soil testing, plot measurement, weather pattern analysis and crop analysis through sensor equipped devices placed along the fields.

Why precision farming is needed?

The information obtained is used to tailor a very unerring selection of crops, fertilizer quantity and watering needs. Precision agriculture helps farmers live a debt free life as production cost and losses are reduced and overall environmental impact is also minimized.

What are the pros and cons of using precision agriculture?

For the precision farmers, the most important advantages of this technology are better organization and yield increase (in quantity and in quality) and the increase in profit. The most important disadvantages are the increase of human resource demand and working time.