What is the NAIC number for Travelers Insurance?
What is the NAIC number for Travelers Insurance?
Company NAIC Number: 36137 3.
What is the NAIC number for Nationwide Insurance?
NAIC#: | 23787 | 614-249-1545 |
CPAF: | 400 | |
DMV#: | 231 | 314177100 |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company One West Nationwide Plaza 1-04-701 Columbus, OH 43215-2220 |
What is an NAIC code for insurance?
What Is A NAIC Code? An NAIC insurance company code is a five-digit code that is assigned to an insurance company by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), which is an organization created to conduct regulatory oversight of insurance practices in the U.S.
How do I find my NAIC number for insurance?
The NAIC code is found on your insurance card. Most of the time the NAIC is printed on your ID card, however it is not labeled. It is a 5 digit number.
What is MetLife’s NAIC number?
65978 3
Company NAIC Number: 65978 3.
What is the NAIC code for CNA Insurance Company?
Company NAIC Number: 20427 3.
What is the NAIC number for Allstate auto insurance?
Company NAIC Number: 19232 3.
What is State Auto NAIC number?
NAIC#: | 25135 | State Auto Mutual Group |
CPAF: | 9020 | 175 |
DMV#: | 01/01/2011 | |
State Automobile Mutual Insurance Company 518 E. Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 |
What is a NAICS number?
NAICS stands for North American Industry Classification System, and it is used throughout North America to classify businesses with a six digit number based on the primary type of work the business performs. You can find the NAICS code that most closely matches your business here: https://www.naics.com/search/.
What is safe auto NAIC number?
Sacramento CA 95833-3505. Reference Information. NAIC #: 25405. California Company ID #: