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What is the oldest book found?

What is the oldest book found?

That honour goes to The Diamond Sutra, a Buddhist religious text. While the book dates back to the year 868 AD, it was found only in 1907, having remained hidden for nearly a 1,000 years.

Is the Holy Bible the oldest book in the world?

Some people think the Bible was written shortly after the world was created, making it the oldest book. Yet biblical scholars know the books that make up the Bible were written over many centuries and that many of the stories included in it were set down centuries after the events they recorded happened.

Which book is older than the Bible?

The Vedas are older than the New Testament, but only parts of the Old Testament.

Is the Bible the oldest recorded history?

Although the Gutenberg Bible is not as old as other books that have survived throughout history, it is being included on this list for its significance as the first book to be printed using mass produced movable-type; and when people think of what a book traditionally is, the Gutenberg Bible is the oldest example of …

Which is the oldest religion book in the world?

History of religious texts The ”Rigveda” – a scripture of Hinduism – is dated to between 1500–1200 BCE. It is one of the oldest known complete religious texts that has survived into the modern age.

Who was the first known God?

Inanna is among the oldest deities whose names are recorded in ancient Sumer. She is listed among the earliest seven divine powers: Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna.

Who is the youngest God?

Greek Gods and Goddesses

Dionysus Zeus’child, youngest of the gods, god of wine
Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty
Hermes messenger of the gods and god of commerce and thieves
Eros god of love