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What is the play Henry IV about?

What is the play Henry IV about?

Following the events of Shakespeare’s play, Richard II, Henry Bolingbroke has succeeded to the throne of England as King Henry IV. During his ascension, he was partially implicated in the murder of his cousin, Richard II, in prison. To atone for Richard’s death, Henry IV resolves to lead a crusade to Jerusalem.

What is the main plot of Henry IV Part II?

Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part II is about the burden of power, old age and atonement for the past as King Henry dies and Prince Hal accepts the crown. The play begins in the aftermath of the battle in Shrewsbury.

Are there two Henry IV?

Henry IV, Part 2 is a history play by William Shakespeare believed to have been written between 1596 and 1599. It is the third part of a tetralogy, preceded by Richard II and Henry IV, Part 1 and succeeded by Henry V.

What happens to Falstaff at the end of Henry IV Part 2?

Arriving late to the battle, Falstaff takes the last prisoner as the Prince orders his forces back to London, where the King is very ill. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. The King is in the middle of giving advice to Hal’s younger brothers when news of the peace arrives. He is close to death.

Who is Henry IV?

Henry IV, also called (1377–97) earl of Derby or (1397–99) duke of Hereford, byname Henry Bolingbroke or Henry of Lancaster, (born April? 1366, Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England—died March 20, 1413, London), king of England from 1399 to 1413, the first of three 15th-century monarchs from the house of Lancaster.

What was the second plot of Henry IV?

The second concerns a rebellion that is being plotted against King Henry by a discontented family of noblemen in the North, the Percys, who are angry because of King Henry’s refusal to acknowledge his debt to them. The play’s scenes alternate between these two plot strands until they come together at the play’s end.

When was Henry the Fourth Part 2 written?

The first page of Henry the Fourth, Part II, printed in the First Folio of 1623. Henry IV, Part 2 is a history play by William Shakespeare believed to have been written between 1596 and 1599.

Who are the main characters in Henry IV?

The first plot concerns King Henry IV, his son, Prince Harry, and their strained relationship. The second concerns a rebellion that is being plotted against King Henry by a discontented family of noblemen in the North, the Percys, who are angry because of King Henry’s refusal to acknowledge his debt to them.

What kind of character is Hal in Henry IV?

Hal is portrayed as a wayward youth who enjoys the society of petty criminals and wastrels, a depiction which draws on exaggerations of the historical Prince Henry’s supposed youthful behaviour. The question of whether Hal’s character is cynical or sincere has been widely discussed by critics. Hal listens to Falstaff’s lies in Henry IV, Part 1.