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What is the SIC code for auto parts?


What is the SIC code for auto parts?

Industry: 5531—Auto and Home Supply Stores

Codes Titles Total Marketable US Businesses
55310000 Auto and home supply stores 4,005
553101 Auto and truck equipment and parts 37,911
55310100 Auto and truck equipment and parts 4,390
55310101 Automobile air conditioning equipment, sale, installation 272

What is the SIC code for auto sales?


Automotive SIC Code Automotive SIC Code Description Crossover Automotive NAICS Code
5511 Motor vehicle dealers (new, used) 4411
551102 Motor vehicle dealers (new) 441110
5521 Motor vehicle dealers (used) 441120
5531 Auto & home supply stores 441310

What does SIC stand for in manufacturing?

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes that categorize the industries that companies belong to based on their business activities. Standard Industrial Classification codes were mostly replaced by the six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

What is SIC code 3711?

3711 Motor Vehicles and Passenger Car Bodies. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing or assembling complete passenger automobiles, trucks, commercial cars and buses, and special purpose motor vehicles which are for highway use.

What is Tesla’s SIC code?

Ticker: TSLA

Business Address 3500 DEER CREEK RD PALO ALTO CA 94304
Business Phone 650-681-5000
Mailing Address 3500 DEER CREEK RD PALO ALTO CA 94304

What is SIC code 5531?

Establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of new automobile tires, batteries, and other automobile parts and accessories. Such establishments frequently sell a substantial amount of home appliances, radios, and television sets.

What is SIC code 5093?

Establishments primarily engaged in assembling, breaking up, sorting, and wholesale distribution of scrap and waste materials. This industry includes auto wreckers engaged in dismantling automobiles for scrap.

What is SIC code 5511?

5511 Motor Vehicle Dealers (New and Used) Establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of new automobiles or new and used automobiles. These establishments frequently maintain repair departments and carry stocks of replacement parts, tires, batteries, and automotive accessories.

What is the SIC code for a car?

Automotive SIC Code Description. Matching Automotive NAICS Code. 5012. Automobiles & other vehicles, wholesale. 421110. 5013. Motor vehicle supplies and new parts distributors. 421120.

Which is the best SiC MOSFET for automotive applications?

STPOWER SiC MOSFETs feature very low on-state resistance R DS (on) and are suitable for different applications automotive and industrial. STPOWER SiC MOSFET is a qualified automotive grade and it’s compliant to AEC-Q101 requirements.

What’s the difference between NAICS and SIC codes?

NAICS automotive classifications were intended as a replacement to the older automotive SIC Codes. NAICS codes are more precise and more “granular” for identifying automotive businesses. Even today, SIC codes are more commonly used for automotive business data.

How often do automotive SIC codes get updated?

These codes describe a wide variety of automotive businesses including auto repair and car dealerships. One problem with automotive SIC codes is that SIC codes are an outdated system and very broad by their definition. Automotive SIC codes were replaced with automotive NAICS codes in the 1990s, which also get updated every five years or so.