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What is the terra nullius doctrine?


What is the terra nullius doctrine?

Terra nullius is a Latin term meaning “land belonging to no one”. British colonisation and subsequent Australian land laws were established on the claim that Australia was terra nullius, justifying acquisition by British occupation without treaty or payment.

Why did Captain Cook say terra nullius?

The legal concept of terra nullius allowed British colonists to disregard Indigenous ownership of Australia, to regard Australia as an empty continent and to take the land without ever negotiating a treaty. Terra nullius is often ascribed to Cook, but both Ms Page and Dr Blyth have found no record of this.

What does terra nullius mean simple?

Terra nullius—meaning land belonging to no-one—was the legal concept used by the British government to justify the settlement of Australia.

WHO declared terra nullius?

The Proclamation of Governor Bourke, 10 October 1835 is historically significant. It implemented the doctrine of terra nullius upon which British settlement was based, reinforcing the notion that the land belonged to no one prior to the British Crown taking possession of it.

What was the impact of terra nullius?

Terra nullius essentially asserted that Indigenous people were non-human. This premise formed the basis of the relationship between Indigenous people and the nation state from its very inception. This problematic relationship has never been fully resolved, even in light of the Mabo decision and resulting Native Title.

How was terra nullius overturned?

The High Court’s Mabo judgment in 1992 overturned the terra nullius fiction. In the same judgment, however, the High Court accepted the British assertion of sovereignty in 1788, and held that from that time there was only one sovereign power and one system of law in Australia.

Why was James Cook a bad person?

Known for his ‘coarse palate’, he appalled his crew, on the final voyage, by eating slaughtered walrus meat, and imploring them to follow suit. One theory has it, that Captain Cook had developed a disease similar to scurvy, due to his poor diet, which caused the erratic behaviour, which led to his downfall.

Why was James Cook a hero?

Captain James Cook was not only a hero in Britain — his fame spread throughout Europe, as readers devoured accounts of his voyages translated into many languages. The veneration of Cook transcended even France and Britain’s fierce imperial rivalry.

When was the term terra nullius overturned?

The High Court’s Mabo judgment in 1992 overturned the terra nullius fiction. In the same judgment, however, the High Court accepted the British assertion of sovereignty in 1788, and held that from that time there was only one sovereign power and one system of law in Australia.

Is James Cook a villain?

‘In my view, James Cook was neither wholly good nor bad; neither villain nor hero. He was a skilled cartographer, courageous explorer, a ship’s commander who was both kind and cruel, a man who valued the life of his colleagues and crew above those he considered a threat.

How to teach about the myth of terra nullius?

As a class, discuss the evidence that proves Australia was not Terra Nullius when James Cook arrived. Encourage more capable students to share their letters with the class. Allow students with lower literacy levels to verbalise their ideas with a teacher or teacher aide before commencing the writing task.

What did James Cook mean by terra nullius?

‘Terra Nullius’ was the term used to describe a land that was empty of people. James Cook informed the British government that Australia was a Terra Nullius land. The Aboriginal and Torris Strait Islander people had been living in Australia for over 40 000 years; it was not Terra Nullius. Display slide 13.

When was terra nullius overturned by the High Court?

Terra Nullius was overturned on 3 June 1992. A small group led by Eddie Mabo fought a legal battle against the state for over ten years over land rights. The High Court decreed that indigenous people had ownership of the land long before European settlement and that therefore Terra Nullius was void.

How did Eddie Mabo fight against terra nullius?

A small group led by Eddie Mabo fought a legal battle against the state for over ten years over land rights. The High Court decreed that indigenous people had ownership of the land long before European settlement and that therefore Terra Nullius was void.
