
What is WinForms for?


What is WinForms for?

Windows Forms (WinForms) is a free and open-source graphical (GUI) class library included as a part of Microsoft . NET, . NET Framework or Mono Framework, providing a platform to write client applications for desktop, laptop, and tablet PCs.

What is C# Windows Form application?

Windows Forms is a Graphical User Interface(GUI) class library which is bundled in . Net Framework. Its main purpose is to provide an easier interface to develop the applications for desktop, tablet, PCs. WinForms applications can contain the different type of controls like labels, list boxes, tooltip etc.

Should I use WPF or WinForms?

WPF is an especially good platform to use if your applications involve various media types. It’s also much easier to find WinForms developers than WPF developers and WinForms currently has a much better design-time experience in Visual Studio than WPF. That fact alone is a very compelling reason to stick with WinForms.

Should I learn WPF or WinForms?

If you are going to code in C# or VB.NET and are running on modern hardware, I would go with WPF. There are no technical reasons why you’d want to learn Windows Forms before learning WPF. They are completely different technologies. Unless you need to use Windows Forms to maintain an old application, stick with WPF.

What is difference between windows application and desktop application?

Windows Store Apps are designed to work in the “Metro” interface and will run on both Windows RT (tablet and laptop) and Windows 8 Pro. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh974576.aspx. Windows Desktop Apps are the traditional applications that we have been building until now.

Can you use MFC to develop Windows Forms?

There are many cool features in Windows Forms which greatly simplify development. The problem is that all the cool controls available at codeproject are written in MFC and cannot be used on Windows Forms Application directly. I know of at least three different ways by which existing controls can be migrated to .NET :-

Is there an equivalent for MFC in Windows?

The following MFC view or document and command routing features have no equivalents in Windows Forms: MFC handles the dynamic data exchange (DDE) commands and command-line arguments that the shell uses when you right-click a document and select such verbs as Open, Edit, or Print.

How to create Windows Forms control in C + +?

A windows forms control is a window with style of WS_CHILD by default. When a control is added to the form the window handle is created. When this happens System::Windows::Forms::Control ‘s protected method OnHandleCreated is called. We overload this method and subclass it with the C3DMeterCtrl object we create, using SubclassWindow method.

Which is the framework for developing Windows Forms?

Windows Forms is the framework for developing rich client GUI applications under the .NET framework. There are many cool features in Windows Forms which greatly simplify development. The problem is that all the cool controls available at codeproject are written in MFC and cannot be used on Windows Forms Application directly.