
What stunts are illegal in cheerleading?


What stunts are illegal in cheerleading?

Front, back and side tension drops are prohibited. All leg pitch, toe pitch, walk-in, sponge, and straddle catch flips to the performing surface are prohibited. Flips into or from partner stunts are prohibited, with the following exceptions.

What is the hardest trick in cheerleading?

The basket toss is considered an advanced cheerleading stunt and is often one of the first advanced cheerleading stunts mastered by a squad. Essentially two bases create a “basket” by each grabbing their own right wrist with their own left hand, and grabbing the other’s left wrist with their right hand.

What is the most common injury in cheerleading?

The most common injuries in cheerleaders include: Strains and sprains account for more than half of all cheerleading injuries. Of these, ankle sprains are the most common, followed by strains or sprains of the neck, lower back, knee and wrist.

What do you need to know about cheer stunts?

To be a part of cheer stunts ones have to be physically fit to carry out demanding acrobatic performances. To be the best in cheer stunts you have to be best in basics means that you don’t really have to perform advanced nature stunt to impress the audience, a simple but well performed can capture the attention easily.

What are the roles of bases in cheerleading?

Bases are those cheerleaders who stand on the ground and hold the flyers and provide primary support to them while performing the cheer stunts. They are the responsible persons who going to keep an eye on flyers to make sure that they are is safe hands and also keep an eye contact with other bases to be on one pace.

Why do cheerleaders stand in front of the flyer?

This is the position where cheerleader stands in front of the stunt facing back toward the audience for preventing flyer to fall forward. A front spot is an optional support which cheerleader normally use as an extra help when they require to lift the flyer for higher jumps such as basket toss.

How to be the best cheerleader of all time?

To be the best in cheer stunts you have to be best in basics means that you don’t really have to perform advanced nature stunt to impress the audience, a simple but well performed can capture the attention easily. Once you had a full command of beginner’s stunts than later on, you can move to an advance and challenging stunts.