Useful Tips

Who is the founder of Welfare Party?


Who is the founder of Welfare Party?

The Welfare Party of India is an Indian political party launched on 18 April 2011. Its first National President was Mujtaba Farooq.

When did the Welfare Party Start?

April 18, 2011
Welfare Party of India/Founded

What is fraternity movement in Kerala?

Fraternity Movement is an independent students’ and youth organization working for strengthening democracy, social justice and fraternity. It is a growing student organization in many regions of India especially in Kerala and Delhi. The slogan of the movement is ‘Democracy, Social Justice and Fraternity’.

What is a frat party like?

The frat party is iconic. But, it is the most stereotypical and common type. Hosted by a fraternity, they are filled with booze, kegs, students, and general silliness. The frat party is a great way to meet people because they tend to be more social.

WHO IS NO 1 pm in world?

PM Narendra Modi voted ‘world’s most powerful leader 2019’ in UK magazine poll | Prime Minister of India.

Which is the Welfare Party of India in Kerala?

The Welfare Party of Kerala is the Kerala unit of the Welfare Party of India. It was launched on 19 October 2011 at Tagore Hall, Kozhikode. The organization argues for comprehensive land reform.

Who is the 14th Prime Minister of India?

The 14th PM of India, Narendra Modi, created history when he became the first prime minister outside of the Congress party to win two consecutive terms with a full majority; he achieved this feat in 2019. From Bharatiya Janata Party worker to India’s PM, Modi’s journey is remarkable.

Who is the best loved politician in India?

Named India’s “best loved politician” by Wall Street Journal, Swaraj was known for her prompt assistance to Indians in emergency situations abroad and was awarded the Padma Vibhushan posthumously. Indian politician Subramanian Swamy, who is a BJP MP, has also been the president of the Janata Party earlier.

Who was the first Prime Minister of India who did not belong to Indian National Congress?

Atal Bihari Vajpayee served as the 10th Prime Minister of India and was the first prime minister who did not belong to the Indian National Congress. The BJP politician had been a journalist and an RSS member. He was a noted poet, too.