
Who owns National Career Fairs?


Who owns National Career Fairs?

Scott Lobenberg
Company information National Career Fairs has its headquarters in Henderson, Nevada, and is under the leadership of Scott Lobenberg, founder and president, and Diana Nicholson, CEO. The company was incorporated in 2001, and produced 12 job fairs its first year.

Do career fairs actually help?

A college career fair offers you the chance to touch base with dozens of potential employers. You can learn what types of jobs they offer and if they have any internships available. You might not find a job at your first career fair but you may end up with a contact who can help you find a job down the road.

Are online career fairs worth it?

Virtual job fairs have higher participation rates than in-person recruiting events—often around 70% compared with a 50% average for in-person events. Virtual recruiting events also tend to attract higher quality candidates.

Are career fairs interviews?

Many job-seekers go to career fairs to “see the sights” and are not prepared to interview. While all of the recruiters will have company literature at their booths at the fair, you often can’t access those until after the interview.

Why do employers attend career fair?

Brand awareness. Simply put—job fairs are also public relation events. Companies attending job fairs will likely have their logo included in promotional work, and they lend a sense of establishment to participants. Plus, it’s a chance to develop your company reputation through public interaction.

How do you stand out at a virtual career fair?

Preparing for a virtual fair

  1. Update your Handshake profile.
  2. Find out which employers are attending.
  3. Research the employers you’ll meet.
  4. Prepare a few talking points.
  5. Dress professionally.
  6. Find a quiet spot and a neutral background.
  7. Arrive on time.
  8. Maintain eye contact and practice active listening.

What is the most asked questions in an interview?

Your Ultimate Guide to Answering the Most Common Interview Questions

  • Tell Me About Yourself.
  • How Did You Hear About This Position?
  • Why Do You Want to Work at This Company?
  • Why Do You Want This Job?
  • Why Should We Hire You?
  • What Can You Bring to the Company?
  • What Are Your Greatest Strengths?

How do you stand out at a career fair?

Before the Event

  1. Find Out Who Will Be There. Look—or ask—for a list of all the companies who will be attending prior to the event, and prioritize the ones you want to approach.
  2. Pack Your (Small) Bag.
  3. Dress for Success (and Comfort)
  4. Don’t Be Shy.
  5. Get Your Resume in Their Hands.
  6. Give a Memorable Goodbye.
  7. Follow Up.
  8. Take Action.