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Who Turned Down Dirty Dancing?


Who Turned Down Dirty Dancing?

Patrick Swayze
Patrick Swayze was offered $6 million to reprise his role as Johnny for a sequel. Swayze wasn’t a fan of sequels and turned it down. Patrick Swayze insisted on doing his own stunts.

Who was the role of the Baby in Dirty Dancing?

For the female lead of Frances “Baby” Houseman, Winona Ryder and Sarah Jessica Parker were considered for the role of Frances Baby. Bergstein chose the 26-year-old Jennifer Grey, daughter of the Oscar-winning actor and dancer Joel Grey (e.g., of the film Cabaret (1972)).

Why did Val Kilmer Turn Down Dirty Dancing?

For his part, Kilmer said he turned down the part of Johnny Castle for fear of being type-cast as a hunk. In 1986, the year when Dirty Dancing was made, Kilmer’s movie Top Gun was released. This is what Kilmer looked like. The actor Val Kilmer in the 1986 movie Top Gun.

Who are the write in candidates for president in 2008?

Jonathan Allen/Jeffrey Stath (Heartquake ’08—Colorado, write-in in Arizona, Georgia, Montana, Ohio, and Texas) Although Guam has no votes in the Electoral College, it has held a straw poll for its presidential preferences since 1980.

Who was baby’s dance partner in the movie Dirty Dancing?

Baby is attracted to Johnny, and dances briefly with him when his cousin, Billy, takes her to one of the staff’s secret “dirty” dancing parties. Baby learns Johnny’s dance partner Penny is pregnant by Robbie, a waiter and womanizer who attends Yale medical school and who now has his eye on Lisa.

Why is the movie Dirty Dancing called Dirty Dancing?

Dirty Dancing is based in large part on screenwriter Eleanor Bergstein’s own childhood: she is the younger daughter of a Jewish doctor from New York, spent summers with her family in the Catskills, participated in “Dirty Dancing” competitions, and was herself nicknamed “Baby” as a girl.

Who are the celebrities on Dancing with the Stars?

Dancing with the Stars bills itself as a contest for celebrities with little to no dance experience, although the show has occasionally dealt with allegations that it employs “ringers.” Jennifer Grey, best known for starring in the clearly dance-oriented movie Dirty Dancing, won the show’s Mirrorball Trophy.