Common questions

Whose phone number do you put on a fax cover sheet?

Whose phone number do you put on a fax cover sheet?

When faxing a cover letter, what goes on the fax cover sheet is the number of pages you are sending, the company name and the recipient’s name, plus your contact name, phone number and the date.

How should a fax cover sheet look?

You should include your name, your fax number, and your regular phone number. You should add the same information for your recipient. It is also common to put the date and the number of pages of the fax transmission. Most businesses also specify whether the fax is urgent and if they expect a reply.

Does fax cover sheet count as a page?

Fax machines are convenient, but they are also subject to breakdowns, the same as any other piece of business equipment. Count the cover sheet as a page when listing the number of pages, so if you are sending a five-page fax you should list six total pages.

Can I fax through my computer without a phone line?

Using the app, email, or your online account you can send faxes. You even get a free fax number that others can use to send faxes to you. Faxing from your computer without a phone line is as easy as sending an email. The subject line is the fax number you’re sending to.

Can I fax from Gmail?

Open your Gmail account and click on the Compse button to start a new email. Enter the recipient’s fax number followed by @fax. Attach the document you wish to fax from Gmail. Send your email and the fax transmission will be started right away.