
Why community colleges are better than universities?

Why community colleges are better than universities?

Community colleges today have quality academic programs that prepare you for career certificates or for a future transfer to a four-year university. Even if you want to get a four-year degree, starting at a community college can save money and give you a boost on your academic career.

Why is community college better to start?

Community colleges are known for their flexible schedules. At a community college, the smaller financial risk gives you more freedom to explore and change your mind. Plus, community colleges often have smaller classes. This means you get more attention from instructors — and better opportunities for mentorship.

Is a degree from a community college bad?

While every community college is different and the individual professors play a large role in determining the quality of education, there is no real difference between a degree earned at a community college and one earned at a state or private college.

Is it smart to go to a community college first?

In other words, it isn’t bad to go to community college first. Community colleges simply offer a different type of higher education that has different goals than other higher education options. Going to community college then transferring to a four-year college is a great choice for many students!

Why do people look down at community college?

Many people assume that the only reason students attend community college is that they were not accepted by a regular university. Another reason why many people look down upon community colleges is that they assume that the degrees offered won’t get you as far as a degree from a traditional college would.

Is a degree from a community college worth it?

Plus, students interested in some fields can expect to earn more than $50,000 with an associate degree, and community colleges afford job training and certificates that can be valuable. Attending a community college can be a good way for students to ease into the world of higher education and learn at their own pace.