Common questions

Why is my baklava so hard?


Why is my baklava so hard?

This is likely due to using too much butter when brushing the phyllo sheets. A thin coating of butter is all that’s needed. Why is my baklava dry? Be sure that when you brush your layers of phyllo, and especially the top layer, that you are brushing all the way around the ends and in the corners.

Why did my baklava go soggy?

Soggy baklava is a result of the butter brushing, not the sauce. Cool completely before serving and don’t store in the fridge, or covered. Leave it uncovered on the counter, or it will become soggy.

Is baklava supposed to be warm?

Baklava is usually served at room temperature, and is often garnished with ground nuts.

Can you fix soggy baklava?

No need to take the baklava out of the oven to cut it. Once you have prepared the mixture and you have put butter on the top, stick it in the freezer for 10-15 min. This would be enough to make it solidify so you cut it easily.

Should you cover baklava?

Baked, completely cooled baklava can be wrapped and frozen for up to four months. I like to wrap it in small batches (about half a dozen pieces) so I don’t have to thaw out the entire pan when I want a treat. Wrap tightly in at least four layers of plastic wrap and place in a zip-top freezer bag.

Can you reheat baklava?

Never reheat baklava in the oven or it will turn to mush, simply soak it in warmed up syrup. And the trick to making pristine diples is using two forks to roll the dough while frying.)

Should baklava be warm?

Baklava is typically served at room temperature. Some people prefer it served warm because they find the pastry is flakier, less greasy, and more flavorful when heated. If you want to eat your baklava warm, heat a pan with some butter on medium-low until melted.

How do you make crispy baklava again?

Use extremelly low heat (even gas 1-2) but for 2-3 hours. This way the phyllo will get cooked without getting burned. Even when you pour the syrup over, it remains nice and crisp. This is one of the best ways as I think it is an art to make a baklava that is crispy and wet.

Do you have to cut baklava before baking?

The baklava should be cut before you bake it and recut again after baking to be sure all the pieces are separated. A sharp knife is crucial. Many recipes call for as much as one pound of butter to make baklava.

How many sheets of phyllo do you need to make baklava?

Cover phyllo with a dampened cloth to keep from drying out as you work. Place two sheets of dough in pan, butter thoroughly. Repeat until you have 8 sheets layered.

Where does baklava come from in the world?

Baklava is a dessert of the Middle East and Mediterranean, and it has numerous variations depending on the country of origin. Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Afghanistan, Georgia, Iran, Armenia, and many other countries and regions all have a variation of this pastry, which is made with buttered layers…

How long do you bake a sheet of baklava?

Top with two sheets of dough, butter, nuts, layering as you go. The top layer should be about 6 – 8 sheets deep. Using a sharp knife cut into diamond or square shapes all the way to the bottom of the pan. You may cut into 4 long rows the make diagonal cuts. Bake for about 50 minutes until baklava is golden and crisp.