Common questions

What are special skills?

What are special skills?

What are special skills? Special skills aren’t a whole set of skills that you’ve never heard of. Rather, they are often the rarer skills that most people don’t possess. This special skills often require training and are more tangible than other skills.

What are special skills and abilities?

Top 10 Qualities and Skills Employers are Looking ForCommunication Skills. Honesty. Technical Competency. Work Ethic. Flexibility. Determination and Persistence. Ability to Work in Harmony with Co-Workers. Eager and Willing to Add to Their Knowledge Base and Skills.

What are special skills and hobbies?

Examples of hobbies and interestsArtistic activities such as painting or graphic design.Community service.Cooking or baking.Examples of interests.Exercising and healthcare.Outdoor activities.Playing an instrument.Team or individual sports.

What are skills and abilities examples?

For example:Good communication skills.Critical thinking.Working well in a team.Self-motivation.Being flexible.Determination and persistence.Being a quick learner.Good time management.