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What does member 11 99 Foundation mean?


What does member 11 99 Foundation mean?

officer needs assistance
About the CHP 11-99 Foundation “11-99” is the radio code used by CHP officers and dispatchers, meaning “officer needs assistance”. Donations made to the 11-99 Foundation help provide financial assistance to CHP families.

How much does it cost to join 11 99 Foundation?

Join our $11.99 Monthly Giving Program An affordable way to support the 11-99 Foundation by pledging $11.99 or more per month. Choose your monthly giving level, set up your recurring donation, & receive 11-99 thank you gift(s).

What is KMA 367?

KMA-367 was the official Federal Communications Commission (FCC) call sign for Los Angeles Police Department radio transmitters from 1948 through the 1980s. Those driving around with these license plate holders are associated with the LAPD.

What does the police code KMA mean?

In the LAPD radio code KMA means “end of transmission*. – StoneyB. It is short for “Keep me advised”

Why do police say KMA?

What does KMA-367 mean anyway? KMA-367 was the official Federal Communications Commission (FCC) call sign for Los Angeles Police Department radio transmitters from 1948 through the 1980s. Those driving around with these license plate holders are associated with the LAPD.

What does KMA-628 mean?

Those driving around with these license plate holders are associated with the LAPD. Seen less frequently are license holders displaying KMA-628, associated with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Visit An Unofficial History of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Communications Division.

What does KMA-628 stand for?

These frames are similar to the highly sought after CHP 11-99 frames, except KMA-628 is station identifier for the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.

What does KMA 628 mean?

What does LMAO mean on Snapchat?

The Meaning of Lmao Lmao stands for laughing my ass off. Typically people use it in written conversations to show that they think something is funny.

Why do cops say KMA?

In the LAPD radio code KMA means “end of transmission*.