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What is content pane in JFrame?


What is content pane in JFrame?

In a Java Swing, A JFrame is the class that represents the window in which graphics applications running on Java. JFrame Class is the top-level container that contains content pane all visible components contain in the content pane. The usual procedure to be used to create a new class that inherits from JFrame.

What is a content pane?

A Content Pane is the most basic layout tile. Conceptually, it’s like the content boxes in portals like MyYahoo. A content pane resembles an iframe, but contains extra design features, fits in with the current theme, and renders widgets properly.

Does JPanel have a content pane?

The default content pane is a simple intermediate container that inherits from JComponent , and that uses a BorderLayout as its layout manager. Note that the default layout manager for JPanel is FlowLayout ; you’ll probably want to change it.

What are the components we can have in content pane?

Two common techniques are used to provide the components for a frame’s content pane: Create a container such as a JPanel , a JScrollPane , or a JTabbedPane , add components to it, then use JFrame. setContentPane to make it the frame’s content pane.

What is the use of content pane?

In Java Swing, the layer that is used to hold objects is called the content pane. Objects are added to the content pane layer of the container. The getContentPane() method retrieves the content pane layer so that you can add an object to it. The content pane is an object created by the Java run time environment.

What are JFrame methods?

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
protected void frameInit() Called by the constructors to init the JFrame properly.
AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() Gets the AccessibleContext associated with this JFrame.
Container getContentPane() Returns the contentPane object for this frame.

How do I use content pane?

If the code is part of a JFrame subclass, you should use getContentPane() . If the code is not part of the frame (perhaps you’re in the static main() method for the application), then you need to use a JFrame object to call getContentPane() ; that’s what frame. getContentPane() does.

Which pane is the top-level pane for a frame?

Glass pane: A glass pane is a top-level pane which covers all other panes. By default, it is a transparent instance of JPanel class. It is used to handle the mouse events affecting the entire container. Layered pane: A layered pane is an instance of JLayeredPane class.

What is the use of a content pane?

What is Java content pane?

In Java Swing, the layer that is used to hold objects is called the content pane. Objects are added to the content pane layer of the container. The content pane is an object created by the Java run time environment. You do not have to know the name of the content pane to use it.

Which pane is the top level pane for a frame?

Why JFrame is used in Java?

JFrame is a top-level container that provides a window on the screen. Almost every other Swing application starts with the JFrame window. Unlike a frame, JFrame has the option to hide or close the window with the help of the method setDefaultCloseOperation(int).

What does the content pane do in JFrame?

JFrames have a content pane, which holds the components. These components are sized and positioned by the layout manager when JFrame’s pack () is called.

How to add a component to a frame in JFrame?

In the code above we create a frame window entitled “Demo program for JFrame”. 2. Setting layout manager 3. Adding child components to JFrame We can use the method add (Component) to add a component to the frame’s content pane. For example, adding a text field: Add a menu bar:

What do you mean by content pane in Java?

ContentPane (or Content Pain?) JFrames have a content pane, which holds the components. These components are sized and positioned by the layout manager when JFrame’s pack () is called.

What does Undecorate The frame do in JFrame?

Undecorate the frame: If the frame is undecorated, its border, title bar and window buttons are all removed, only keep its content pane visible. 8. JFrame demo program