
Which area code is 01287?


Which area code is 01287?

01287 Area Code (Dialling Code) 💡 01287 is the area code for Guisborough and the surrounding area.

What is the STD code of Mumbai?

STD Code : 022

Pincode Post Office
400001 Mumbai G. P. O.
400002 Kalbadevi
400003 Mandvi
400004 Girgaon

Which state STD code is 044?

Chennai Std Code Number, Tamil Nadu

Location STD Code State
Chennai 044 Tamil Nadu

What area code is 01642?

💡 01642 is the area code for Middlesbrough and the surrounding area.

Where is the phone code 01297?

01297 Area Code (Dialling Code) 💡 01297 is the area code for Axminster and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Axminster have this format : (01297) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01297 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.

What is a +91 phone number?

International Dialing Code

Serial No. Country Name Dialing Codes
95 ICELAND 354
96 INDIA 91
98 IRAN 98

Which is the STD code for Mumbai India?

STD code / area code / phone dial calling code for MUMBAI is 22, which is in MUMBAI in the state of MUMBAI.

Which is the Mumbai area telephone code no?

Know what is the Mumbai STD Code number or Mumbai area telephone code no. with MapsofIndia. The Mumbai is located in Maharashtra STD Details Location STD Code State

Which is the city with the STD code 022?

The city or town or village with the STD code “022” is Mumbai.

How can I get the STD code of a city?

To get the STD code, you’ll have to select the state and the city and then hit search. Voila! Similarly, in order to find the STD codes of all cities and towns within any state, select a state and the names of its cities and towns will be displayed.